Left Lane Straight

Director and Producer Caroline Kaye, Producer Deana Morenoff
Left Lane Straight


How did the Alhanatis survive the Inquisition, Ottoman Empire, Balkan Wars, World Wars, and the Holocaust? As a family. In conversation with elders and experts, filmmaker Caroline Kaye recounts the plight and pluck of her Greek-Jewish kin, following the threads of expulsion and estrangement, which brought her Sephardic family closer together, while expanding the borders of their identity.

Phase of Support: Post-Production

Caroline Kaye

Caroline Kaye - Director and Producer

Caroline Kaye spent the first half of her career as a journalist profiling inspiring women, starting at Good Housekeeping magazine and writing for Teen People and Salon.com before becoming a contributing editor at More magazine. She then moved into photography, specializing in nuance rich portraiture. Caroline studied Judaic and Near Eastern Studies at Oberlin College, where she would combine her focus on Balkan Jewry with her family’s intimate stories. Based in the Hudson Valley, Kaye is a recipient of NYSCA’s individual artist grant and is experimenting with embroidery and mixed media to explore her family’s history.

Deane Morenoff

Deane Morenoff - Producer

Deana Morenoff has produced film and video for over 30 years, customizing creative services for film projects, corporate and non-profits alike. She started at Newline Cinema in International Television and moved into independent online media content production as well as arts education. In her roles as Director of Programming and Development for the Beacon Independent Film Festival, and the BCSD Student Film Festival, Morenoff has focused on community access, education and under the radar story gems. She holds a BS from Boston University’s College of Communication and an MS from the New School.

Project logline and bios courtesy of the grantees.