Special Funds
The Holocaust Film Fund
Antisemitism and the Ecosystem of Hate Film Fund
In light of the rise of antisemitism, particularly in the aftermath of October 7th, and in response to the persistence of Holocaust denial and the myriad Holocaust stories yet to be told, JSP renews our faith in film as an indispensable tool to build empathy and fight against ignorance and hate. JSP recently announced two new funds:
The Holocaust Film Fund provides funding for JSP documentaries about the Holocaust.
Antisemitism and the Ecosystem of Hate Film Fund supports JSP documentaries directly exploring antisemitism as well as those that probe the connections between antisemitism and other group-based hate.
These new funds will allow donors to direct their gifts to JSP to support films centering these topics. Grantees in these subject areas will be sourced through the annual open call process and will be selected by the general JSP jury. The naming opportunity for both funds are currently open. To learn more and to initiate a gift, please contact giving@jewishstorypartners.org.