We Play Cinema

Director and Producer Emile Bokaer
We Play Cinema


We’ve all heard about the “greatest films ever made,” but consider the greatest films never made. Tsvi Bokaer, a Tunisian Jewish immigrant to the United States and father of 6, loves movies as much as life itself, and has written some of the greatest films never made. When his filmmaker son Emile uncovers Tsvi’s long-hidden “underground films”…cinematic revelations ensue.

Phase of Support: Post-Production

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Emile Bokaer

Emile Bokaer - Director, Producer

Emile Bokaer is a documentary filmmaker from Ithaca, NY. His recent work as producer includes A Field Guide to Coastal Fortifications (IFF Rotterdam 2023, Winner Best Film Award BelDocs 2023), and The Street Network, a Stripe Press short film.

Emile is co-founder and Executive Producer at Dogpatch Films, co-producing the feature documentary The ImmortalistsT (SXSW, Hot Docs, CPH:DOX, BFI London Grierson Award nominee), and the short documentaries The Caretaker (Cannes Film Festival special screening, NYTimes Op-Docs), and The Mayor (NYFF, NYTimes Op Docs). With Dogpatch Emile has personally delivered moving image projects to the Ford Foundation, POV American Documentary, Environmental Defense Fund and Stripe among others.

He has worked on post-production teams for the feature documentaries True Conviction (Nonfiction Vanguard Award San Francisco Independent Documentary Festival), True Son(Tribeca Film Festival 2014) and Informant (Winner Grand Jury Prize DOC NYC 2012).

Project logline and bios courtesy of the grantees.